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Merger & Acquisition Capital Services, LLC (M&A CAP) provides independent financial advice on mergers, acquisitions, financial restructurings and similar corporate finance matters. M&A CAP is not a retail broker-dealer. The Firm does not conduct underwriting activities, provide research or analyst reports or solicit or carry accounts for, or offer or sell securities products to retail customers. Merger & Acquisition Capital Services, LLC is regulated by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. as a FINRA Member Firm ( and is a member of Securities Investor Protection Corporation (

The information and services provided on this website are not provided to and may not be used by any person or entity in any jurisdiction where the provision or use thereof would be contrary to applicable laws, rules or regulations of any governmental authority or regulatory or self-regulatory organization or where M&A CAP is not authorized to provide such information or services. Principals retain the exclusive right to negotiate and evaluate any transaction(s) and M&A CAP has no authority to do so.


Merger & Acquisition Services, Inc. (M&A) provides independent consulting advice relating to insurance assets, including; asset acquisition/divestiture advisory, insurance & reinsurance advisory and strategic consulting. M&A does not underwrite securities, nor advise on, nor effect transactions in securities for the account(s) of others. Principals retain the exclusive right to negotiate and evaluate any transaction(s) and M&A has no authority to do so.




Merger & Acquisition Services, Inc. and Merger & Acquisition Capital Services, LLC (collectively M&A) have developed plans to continue business in the event of a significant business disruption. This disclosure is designed to provide our clients with information on how we will respond to various potential interruptions.


Our first line of defense is the prevention of business interruptions. Steps have been taken to secure our physical networks, and numerous systems of backup and data recovery, both on and off site, exist to ensure that the storage of, and the ability to deliver, essential information are safely maintained. Our telephone network is structured so that it is possible to continue communications with clients and between offices in the event our headquarters or one or more offices loses telephone communications for any period of time.


Single Building or Firm Only Disruption

In the event that one of the firm’s buildings is closed due to a significant business disruption, activities normally performed in that building would shift to the next-closest office still open. Telephones would be forwarded and data made accessible to this office. In normal circumstances, staff would also travel to the back-up office.


In the event that M&A’s corporate headquarters building in New York, NY is lost, data that is normally provided from the corporate headquarters would be delivered from our off-site back-up recovery system to one of our additional offices. Our Third Party Service Provider operates from a hardened facility with virtually unlimited generator power available to drive necessary information delivery systems. In addition, our employees are equipped with laptop computers, cell phones and other equipment to enable business to continue with minimal disruption.


Business District or City-Wide Disruption

The recovery scenario in the event of a larger business disruption would be similar to the above. Business operations and essential personnel would transfer to the nearest available office outside the affected area, and telephone and data services would be delivered there.


Regional Disruption

M&A anticipates no significant change in its response should the disruption be regional in nature. Once it has been determined which of the firm’s offices are unaffected by the disruption, steps would be taken to shift personnel and systems to the most appropriate of those offices.


Major Disruption

Should significant business disruptions occur that are larger in geographical scope, the ability of M&A to return to normal operations may be affected by the time it takes for critical vendors and business partners to resume their operations. While data services would likely continue to be available from the power-independent third party from their hardened facility, the ability to access that information could be affected by the availability of telephone and fiber optic delivery systems. Again, once it has been determined which of the firm’s offices are unaffected by the disruption, steps would be taken to shift personnel and systems to the most appropriate of those offices.


M&A is committed to recover from a significant business disruption in the shortest time possible. If after a significant business disruption you cannot contact us as you usually do, you should refer to our posted message on our web site at


Recovery plans will be updated from time to time to ensure that they are compatible with changing business conditions, the addition of products or services to the firm’s offerings and any improvements that can be made in how recoveries are planned and implemented. Modified or updated plans will be posted on the M&A website, or may be obtained upon written request.


Should there be questions regarding M&A’s business continuity plans, please contact our Financial Operations Principal, Ralph Barbieri (212) 750-0630 Ext 24 or Chief Compliance Officer, Monica DiFiore (212) 750-0630 Ext 12.

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